Sunday, 25 April 2010

Dying to get started

As the summer is getting nearer and I havent actually started samples for my new work I thought I would start by dying some fabric and threads. Having done a practise run with calico and old sheeting, I prepared some pristine white fabric ordered from Whaleys. Fabric in blue tray is ready for overdying just to see what happens.As my studio does not have a sink, I took over the kitchen table.

Photo shows some of the end results, the camera hasnt done the colours justice, but will bring my goodies along to the next play day.

Whilst waiting for my fabric to batch in the dye (I waited two days this time and was not tempted to "cook" it in the Aga like the last lot) I made up some print stamps and played about with words from my sketch book, using fabric paint and fabric crayons on top of the first batch of dyed fabric I did last week. Thought I would be professional and put them up on my "design wall". Had to move the bikes out of the way so I could get to it. Anyhow now I have to work out what to do with all this next. -watch this space.


Thursday, 22 April 2010

Busy!! Busy!!

I think I mentioned that the art-upfront girls were shy. I had to creep up on them to get these photos!! This is one of our "business" meetings where we discuss future exhibitions, etc.

Yes, I know it looks as if we are enjoying ourselves but honestly its really hard work!!

We are a little depleted here as Gilly had to pick up her dog from the animal hospital and Judith is based in Whitby and I'm behind the camera!

The second pic shows Valleri and Cheryl looking at Sue Jewkes' gorgeous sketch book which she is currently using to trial new work. And the last pic is of the two Sues - Sue Hutchins and Sue Jewkes.

We meet up regularly for "Play Days" once a month - which is where we usually have a "Show and Tell" and then as and when we need them we have our Business Meetings - which end with
lunch and, of course, cake!! We understand that it aids brain training!!
Anyway, have to dash - It's my youngests Parents Evening!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed some of the sunny weather. This is my rather adorable cat Tomkins trying to look asleep on my work desk in my 'in' file tray! An excellent way of avoiding clearing it ! I also create from here so he is often here keeping me company and giving me a helping paw every now and then.
We are going up to the Lakes on friday for a few days and the weather is going to be warm and sunny i am told! I am taking up 2 of my pieces that The Jumble Room is going to (try) and sell for me.They are from my 'Wandering" series. I am pleased with them and will be making 2 smaller pieces to also go up to The Jumble Room. I must seriously get down to creating because we also have a couple of exhibitions coming up. I also want to experiment more with the hand made paper and create some pieces in frames instead of on canvas. I just love the textural effects that can be achieved as in the photo of the fishing boat near Southwold.
Bye for now , Valleri

Friday, 2 April 2010

Judith here. Steeling myself for a very busy Easter weekend. We have been full in the B+B for ages and its a scooter rally here in Whitby this weekend too. So a quick post before we get snowed under. Not literally, its been beautiful and sunny here recently. Thought you might like to see the driftwood mirror I made for Room 5, the room we have just finished refubishing. Its very big and lives above the dressing table in this room. Im quite pleased with it as my first attempt and am keen now to make some smaller ones that I may be able to sell. So watch this space!

Hope you all have a Happy and Peaceful Easter...
(Dont eat too much choc !!!!)

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!

OK - so I thought I would show you some photos of my studio. On a good day - it has to be said!

My name is Corinne and I am another member of art-upfront. As you can see I absolutely LOVE books. I'm ashamed to say that what you see is only part of my collection, having just had to buy another bookcase from Ikea to go in our bedroom!
What this picture doesn't show is the mess BEHIND the camera!!

My workbench where I create my fairies and other work. It is at kitchen counter height so that it saves the wear and tear on my back! My darling hubby made it for me out of pub table tops which were being skipped! To see my current work in progress please pop over to

So now I feel I have introduced myself a little I will wish you a Happy Easter and please do visit us soon!

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Hello again........running a B+B is a very time consuming job. We actually live in a very small bit of our lovely building and I do not have the luxury of a dedicated space in which to do my work. So when needs must we have to be creative. This season I have not found a lot of time to complete textile work, I have a million ideas running around my head when I found Bobbins in Whitby, a wonderful store full of all sorts of treasures especially the more unusual knitting wools, who have a weekly craft and knitting club so I went along and joined. Its frequented by mainly knitters knitting a variety of things. At first i decided to prepare some hand stitch I could take with me and then found I spent too much time preparing and not enough time actually stitching. So I gave in and started knitting. But what to knit......Teddies.....but not your run of the mill teddies for me. Above is my first bear. I used sock wool that when knitted up creates a fairaisle pattern without you having to count all the stitches and change wool. But as life is never straightforward it didnt happen for me. My little ted just became stripy. Dont know why... but i didnt like the finished effect so........I stitched on him and the result is what you see. Hes a strange little thing but I love him. He became the first of many who are in some sort of mid create. I will post more when they are finished. Never thought knitting would be for me, but when needs must. I can knit in front of the TV sitting next to my man and it doesnt tire me out any more than i already am!!! Its amazing where life will take you. Judith

Hi, this is a picture of my Studio when it was looking tidy. I'm Cheryl, the Herefordshire member of Art-upfront. I live in the countryside and on a warm day my studio space is idyllic. In winter it is freezing so I decamp into the house and work small. Pictured in the making is a doll figure I made for last years Ledbury Poetry Festival Exhibition based on the John Masefield poem "Sea Fever" I have 4 exhibitions I am working towards this summer so I am working on a series of pieces based on and around my canal narrowboat and the waterways. Its in my head and in my sketchbook, but I have yet to translate it into actual samples and bigger pieces. I too added to my stash up at the Fashion and embroidery show at the NEC this weekend and it was encouraging to see so many groups similar to ours, exhibiting there. It reminded us of our time exhibiting at the Knitting and Stitching show in 2008.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Hello everyone. My name is Judith and i am

art-upfronts long distant member. I went to college with all the other members but moved to my spiritual home of Whitby, North Yorkshire almost 3 years ago. I cant believe it is nearly 3 years. I now run a B+B with my family. Check us out. I don't get a lot of time these days but do paint and sew whenever i can. I spent a wonderful hour this afternoon down by the harbour and on the beach just hanging about with the gulls, it was magical. My work has always been about the sea in all its guises. What about this atmospheric pic i took of the cliff and St Marys church on the top. We have a beautiful ruined Abbey too. No wonder Bram Stoker used Whitby as inspiration for his book Dracula. Like Val this is my very first blog and i am pleased to have managed it. Look forward to blogging again soon. Judith

Friday, 26 March 2010

Hello! This is my first 'blogging' ever and it has taken some while just to get to 'postings'! So fingers crossed this will get published to our actual blog page!
What do you write on a blog i ask myself? I sit here and ponder for some seconds..................
I have been creative today and helped my photographer husband download some images of my work for our website, he has done an amazing job....they look fabulous. Looking at them does make me want to get down to some serious new work. So hopefully whilst my daughter Ellie is away camping on D of E this weekend i will get some time.
Yesterday i went to the Stitch show at the NEC and just had to purchase a few choice items! I know i already have lots of lovely yarns and threads but these new ones are just so lush . It would have been a crime not to buy! Do i need more velvet??.....well i don't have any undyed silk velvet, or rather i didn't! I also bought some gorgeous charms to use on my hangings. If you go to the show check out the Kemshalls stand (yes i had to buy some of their hand dyed threads too!) they have some lovely work and i chatted to them as well. Carole Pitt is there and Jane Hall . Alot of the quilts are well.........boring! I also spent some time looking at sewing machines because i just cannot get my Bernina Artista 630 to perform free machining on the canvas that i use. I think , with the little time i had that a Husqvama Sapphire may be the one. It worked a dream on the sample canvas i took with me. Hopefully i can trade my Bernina in part exchange.
I think that is enough for now because i don't want to bore the pants of you . So i shall go and do some stitching with some of my lush new threads and some delicious bits of blue and green rope that i collected on the beach at Dunwich last weekend. Bye for now , Valleri